While this is certainly a massive understatement, it’s still with noting that 2020 has been a unique year.
There’s no question the broader state of the world has drastically impacted consumer behavior and spending habits.
Yet at the same time, everyone is adapting and that holds true for marketing mixes as well.
Purely from a marketing channel standpoint, below are some recent trends we’ve seen over the summer that we anticipate will continue throughout the fall and BFCM/holiday.
(Getting to work with over 100 of the leading DTC ecommerce companies puts us at a unique vantage point).
Testing and Scaling OTT
- Building on trend that started during COVID, lower demand and increased streaming has driven lower rates and more new brands are capitalizing on this opportunity to testSlimming Down Affiliates
- Cutting affiliates that aren't driving incremental users or orders; and tightening and optimizing payouts for the rest
- Focusing more on top-funnel content and commerce affiliates over bottom-funnel coupon sites
Increasing Attempts at Facebook Diversification… Finally
-Testing new channels picked up in Q2 and has been consistently increasing sinceText Me, Definitely
- Now a core component of every marketer’s channel mixAudio… Much More than Podcasts
- After Podcast spend dropped in Q2 (with listening down due to no one commuting), brands are now looking at other ways to test audioYou’ve Got (Direct) Mail
- Fastest growing “new” channel for brands (more so than OTT). “New” in quotes given Direct Mail is the oldest marketing channel on this list!