Many marketers aspire to full funnel marketing, but how do you know if you’re doing it right—and beyond that, how can you tell whether it’s impactful for your business or not?
In a webinar with Gradient Media, we went back to the marketing basics and discuseed why you should lean into full-funnel marketing more than ever in today's uncertain economic climate. We brought experts from Rockerbox and Gradient Media together to share best practices, real-life examples, and more to help you become a better full-funnel marketer.
What: [Webinar] How to Be a Full Funnel Marketer in 2023 and Beyond
Who: Theja Talla, Rockerbox CSM, and Michael Skehill, Growth Marketer at Gradient Media Group
Where: Watch on-demand
An early 2023 study from DAC group found that nearly two-thirds of marketers were prioritizing full-funnel marketing strategies. In an uncertain economic climate, a marketing strategy that works seamlessly from first-touch to conversion (with measurement for every step) can be one of the best ways to make sure every dollar is making a difference. Plus, the importance of upper funnel brand awareness campaigns can’t be discounted as a method for weathering a recession.
In this webinar, we cover what it truly means to be a full-funnel marketer and how you can apply this approach to your own strategy. Beyond that, we look at how to manage and measure a full-funnel strategy that spans multiple platforms and approaches.
Some other questions we cover include:
Are your marketing channels working together to support your business goals? If you’re not sure, it’s time to do a strategy audit and re-adjust. Watch the webinar replay to learn how.