Recession-Proof Your Marketing:
The Playbook You Can't Afford to Miss
Our playbook will show you how to work smarter not harder and eliminate marketing strategy panic.
Entering into an economic downturn is intimidating. There are more questions than answers when it comes to most aspects of business. But, when it comes to marketing, specifically marketing spend, not having a playbook is unacceptable.
As marketers, we have to be prepared for anything—at any time. That’s why we’ve put together this resource to help you navigate a looming recession head on. In this eBook we will be covering three areas of marketing and advertising that all direct to consumer (DTC) brands and businesses can leverage to help set you up for success.
Don't want to read? Our webinar series will show you the way!
Download the eBook today!
We will be looking at...
- Re-establishing Optimal Budget Allocation (hint: it's super important!)
- Looking at Payback Periods
- Focusing on Workhouse Channels of Search and Shopping
- And more!

No more confusion. Just real marketing insights.
Talk to our team about how Rockerbox can change the way you spend—for the better.